“Racing makes everything else look like a vague wish for something more or remotely adventurous.”
Racing is thrill. But what if you could have a race of drones? And that too imagine FPV drones, the latest trend in drones in a run. You would be able to see anything and everything that the camera fitted on the drone sees. The excitement of racing your opponents, while taking in the immersive and breathtaking view is an experience to cherish.

It’s not that simple yet though, you would need proper experience and practice in flying drones to be able to reach racing-level speeds. Along with that a good sense of the surroundings and adequate reaction times to dodge any sudden obstacles.
It is advised to first start out with a good simulator software so that you get used to the speeds of the drone zipping through air. Then, with adequate practice in a simulator, a beginner’s drone to get you acquainted with drones. The more you become adept at controlling drones, the more you can advance and improvise your gear to suit your needs. Overtime you would be able to cope and be able to compete with other drone racers and participate in drone racing competitions to prove your worth.

(P.C – https://www.ctvnews.ca/sci-tech/boy-drone-racing-champ-flying-high-1.3266057 )
FPV Drone Racing is slowly gaining momentum in becoming a global sport. Drone races consist of an obstacle course through which a drone pilot is supposed to navigate with their drone and the fastest wins. In big events, the whole race is broadcasted live for audiences around the world to enjoy the spectacle.

(P.C – https://thedroneracingleague.com/about-drl/)
The FAA(Federal Aviation Administration) considers 100mph to be the legal and acceptable racing drone speed limit. It is possible, however, to go faster if you’re a pro. The world record stands at 179 mph, and some pilots have achieved speeds up to 120 mph.
Currently, the Drone Racing League stands atop the global list of most famous drone racing competitions, boasting jaw-dropping high-speed racing across various astounding courses.
Coming to the types of drones used, most racing drones last around 4 to 10 minutes in the air. Racing drones are focused more on agility and speed, quite unlike aerial photography drones, which focuses more on stability and durability. Most aerial photography drones come in an “X” shape, to help lift the drone up, while the racing drones usually come in an “H” shape, to help thrust the drone forward. The cameras also differ, as they are situated on the front of the drone to help navigate properly, while aerial photography drones have it underneath the body, usually fitted with gimbal stabilization systems to give steady shots.